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The archives to The Jaded are free to view! Read the whole story from the beginning!
Thanks for Visiting! The Jaded is on hiatus until my other comic The Longest Sojourn is completed.
Yes, I fully intend on having The Jaded 2.0 and finishing up, but it will only be starting when I finish TLS first. For more details check out this blog post.
Also, keep an eye on the blog for further updates, I have a little trouble updating this site. In the meantime, enjoy a little bonus art!
Want more of my comics? Check out my other comic, The Longest Sojourn!
Friday, May 28, 2004
New Design!As you will have no doubt noticed ;) It's still under construction till I get the layout right... so keep sending that feedback. Yeah, I know the last one looked more elegant, but I was getting tired of the black and this one IS more functional. Oh and don't forget to check out the forums for the Sketchbook Thread, I'm going to start posting spare bit of artwork there instead of the gallery simply because it's just so much easier. Black Earth Starts 30th May! Well... It's the cover first, so The story starts 2nd June... It was a pain to write, but hopefully it's worth it. Rant: Do you ever get pissed off at people who think they know everything? You know those types who think they know you better than you know youself and just love to try and put words they think you say in your mouth? Or people who try and goad you into saying things you certainly never thought of saying by indirect comments leading up to it? Only the said person has the subtleness of a chobeck in heat, which is to say none, and instead I'm left feeling insulted because apparently they think so lowly of me? Reminds me of those forum trolls that make a statement, then when pressed for proof to back up that statement, come up with nothing and instead do a dance around the question that the sugar-plum fairy would have been proud of. Feh, I say.
Monday, May 24, 2004
Quoted in Comixpedia ArticleJust a quick head's up, Stephen Crowley, Justin Pierce and I endeavored to answer a few questions for Emanuella Grinberg's Comixpedia article on webcomic nudity. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. The Jaded? Webcomic nudity? Hahaha! ps: Oh, and I should warn you guys that this month's Comixpedia article is rated NC-17 and is NOT work safe.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
My Baby's Back!Within days, my much missed powerbook, Iora comes back from repair and my exams en finito. Regarding the latter, there's were good, bad and downright sucky ones, but I've done all I can, I'm not going to think bout it any more. List of things to do: - Sleep
- Look up places to live.
- Write Chapter 3: Black Earth script, send to Mos, and rebuild buffer ASAP
- Answer the neglected emails (I'm so sorry guys. I'll get to answering soon, I swear!)
- Post Fanart
- HNTRAC submission (How Not To Do An Action Scene)
- Rebuild Keenspace Gear
Soo... *crack knuckles* Lets... Get... Cracking! Yes, Dr. Edison!
Friday, May 14, 2004
 Digital War Cameo!As those of you who read Digital War will have no doubt noticed, the current AOHell storyline features 'The Charge of The Webcomics Artists.' So there's a bunch of Keenspace artists running around wreaking havoc! See if you can recognise them all! Coolness isn't it?! And guess who gets to drive a jeep?
Thursday, May 13, 2004
The Jaded: The Musical!For those of you looking for the link to the full version of The Jaded: The Musical, it's here. Have fun! Avenge my squirrel-bitten finger by doing in a squirrel!
Friday, May 07, 2004
Guest Cover and Calling Laura Guzzo!I did a guest cover for John Fortman of Fallen Angels Used Books. Behold the power of the graphics tablet! (Ironically it looks like actylic, but oh well...). Pop over, have a look, don't forget to read Fallen Angels Used Books! Also, calling Laura Guzzo. Please send me your email address ASAP. There's something urgent about your comic website, Radiozee, that I need to talk to you about. Thanks!
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Happy Freaking Online Comics DayWhat a day. HEnet rebooted the Keenspace server, causing it to stop updating... then the entire Keenspace server died... on Online Comics Day. And now my comic didn't make it above the fold. Gah. And after yesterday's exam, which went pretty well, todays System Architecture exam was without a shadow of doubt, the worst disaster I ever had to sit through. I suspect I know what grade I'm going to be getting... clue: Fruit, Fudge, Finch, Farfalle. Yeah. That. Add the fact that the British weather decided to stop 'spitting' and start providing some real competition for Malaysian monsoon, the day has been damned miserable. At least Keen finally got back on its feet. Happy Online Comics Day, all.
Saturday, May 01, 2004
CYS and EOI Spotted!!!I should be studying but I just had to bring up this great piece of news: Count Your Sheep and Elf Only Inn have been Spotted! Those two 'Spacers will soon be joining Keenspot! w00t! Happy is an understatement for what I feel. This has to be the greatest piece of news I've heard for a while. You all know how I keep raving about CYS, and you'll remember that rant not long ago about how much I liked EOI as well! At long last those two get the recognition they fully deserve. Congrats to Adis and Sortelli! They really deserve it. *dance happy dance happy dance!* ps: Go read Adis' 'The Wisdom of Moo' over at GirlaMatic. Go on! Shoo!