
This one is from Carmell of
Emperor of Orphans. :)
I'd like to blog more, but I spend these days feeling tired... even the weekends aren't spared as they're the only days I get to work on the comic. Plus schoolwork is a major pain, it takes all of my days and most of my nights.
I know very well I can't keep this up much longer, and eventually I'll have to switch The Jaded to a weekly schedule. If I rush the pages they keep looking crappier and crappier, and I'm sure the lot of you are fed up with substandard work. I know I am.
But I just can't bear the thought of the story moving s-l-o-w-l-y.
Anyway, here's the deal:
I'm going to keep going at twice a week until my buffer shrinks to 1 week. If this is the case, I switch to weekly and don't change to twice-a-week unless by buffer is above 3 weeks again.
My most precious commodity right now.
With term starting (I got 2 graded courseworks in the first week!!!!) and the sudden surge of spotlight for my little blog: Webcomic Finds (Linked from
Comixpedia and
Websnark on the same day. Does that not startle a girl or what?) I'm having a hell of a time juggling work and comic. Generally I devote my mornings and afternoons to work, at night I do a mixture of work and one of the following: drawing/blogging/sleeping.
If I'm lucky, I can keep us on a 2 a week schedule. If not, something has to go. :(
Anyway, enough of the whining. Apologies for the muck-up on Sunday where I stupidly uploaded the wrong page. I hate myself sometimes. This does tend to happen more and more often, I suspect once the current buffer runs out, I'm going to be using tooncasting to update the KS mirror.
Now for cheerful news: The irrepressible Chuck Cottrell (aka chaos cricket) started on what promises to be an interesting storyline on his comic. Guess which band of mercenaries will cameo?
(Click on the thumbnailed comic to see it on the
Dim Bulb Comics site)

My answer to the last comment: Hey, the mercs may be based in England, but what good are mercenaries if they don't do international?
International costs extra, though. ;)