Featured Link
Today's Favourites
See Control Room for other comic links
The archives to The Jaded are free to view! Read the whole story from the beginning!
Thanks for Visiting! The Jaded is on hiatus until my other comic The Longest Sojourn is completed.
Yes, I fully intend on having The Jaded 2.0 and finishing up, but it will only be starting when I finish TLS first. For more details check out this blog post.
Also, keep an eye on the blog for further updates, I have a little trouble updating this site. In the meantime, enjoy a little bonus art!
Want more of my comics? Check out my other comic, The Longest Sojourn!
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
The Jaded is One Year Old! Huzzah!1 year ago, I put up the first five pages of The Jaded on my Onetel ISP (Site no longer there). Well, erm... what can I say? It's been a great year, having met so many great people, having so many great things happening I don't know where to begin the thanking. But thanks to everyone, none the less! Keep on reading, I'll keep on drawing! Happy Birthday to my Baby. Here's to another year!
Sunday, March 28, 2004
A bit too close to home: Thailand bomb blastI called home to Malaysia today, and my dad picked up the phone. After some initial chit-chat, he mentioned rather casually that Uncle Tom from Singapore had come up north for a visit and they had gone across the border to Sungai Golok, Thailand, earlier in the day for lunch. A scant few hours after they'd returned. Someone detonated a bomb outside a karaoke bar in Golok. It's going to sound selfish of me to say this, but Thank God my parents left early and nothing happened to them. Golok is just a 30-minute drive from my house. My family frequently pops over the border on weekends for a meal and some change of scenery. You read about tragedies like the Madrid bombing in the news and you feel bad, but it never ever hits quite as hard as when the thing involved is somewhere you know and people you love. Damn the bastards. Damn them all to hell. It did bring to my attention that the Malaysian Press are absolutely pathetic, though. Of this posting, Neither The Star nor the New Strait Times have reported this incident in their respective websites. Considering it happened almost 12 hours ago and a number of the casualties were Malaysian, I can only shake my head at their inefficiency. News of Malaysia Online... 1 day too late. Heh. Utusan had a brief article up, but it sadly got most of the facts wrong. Coffee shop? You call yourself a journalist? I regret to note that The Sun, a UK Tabloid that features toples women on page three, beat you to it and had the facts right! Oh for the love of... Oh yeah, and pop into the forums for a bit, I'd like some opinions on some designs for the next chapter. EDIT: In the light of this I forgot to mention... NEW FEATURED LINK! It's Loxie and Zoot!
Sunday, March 21, 2004
 A quick thanks to Chuck for this good luck gift-art! Click the thumbnail to see.
Friday, March 19, 2004
E-X-A-M-S Incoming!Yep, it's that time again. No! Not THAT time. The E-word. Exams! Yes. THAT time. Mine are coming up in May, so those of you who were around last year will know the drill... Those of you from Graphic Smash need not worry, there's enough the the archives to keep you going daily until the end of June (or longer). there should be no disruptions to your schedule at all. For the Keenspacers, the site will continue updating as usual until the end of the chapter, then we go into Outtakes #2 (Normal Schedule). Speaking of which, if any of you feel like contributing anything, either to make me happy or for the plug( ;) ), now's the time to start drawing! Remember, Outtakes only occurs at the end of every chapter, and that's pretty much once every 6 months! We already have Chaos Cricket's and Yarpsdat's guest strips lined up, plus a few doodlies of my own. Back to schedule concerns, once Outtakes is done, we will go into Chapter 3 : Black Earth. Only weekly updates until June, I'm afraid. I have to study you know. Meanwhile, I have this sinking feeling I'm going to feel my second year...
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
 Well, there go the archives!
Starting today, The first 100 pages of The Jaded will be showcasing daily at Graphic Smash until the end of June where we will return to the normal schedule. I've cleaned up the pages, fixed minor mistakes (Thanks, T!) and even added a cover for Four Years Late, so it might be worth having a look in a few hours time (When American time catches up).
EDIT: And looky! The blog now has a comments feature! I'm thinking of getting rid of the tag-board after this. I know, it's seen quite a bit of service, but it's a pain to archive the messages. Plus, with this new addition, I think it's a bit of a feedback overload. Besides, I have a perfectly good forum that really should be used, so...
Also, I wanted some way of mirroring feedback from the mirror site, and the pop-ups from the tag-board were annoying.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
 <--- Clicky here to see what a good friend sent to cheer me up! :) Heh, compared to poor Juno, my problems are barely worth being in the doldrums for. Thanks Lynn!
Right now life is a delicate balancing act between spending time with sisters and coursework. I have found sleep to (once again) be the casualty in all of this intricate juggling, but with hope there won't be too many bad effects (give or take a touch of paranoia... I seem to jump very violently at little things now)
I've decided not to represent the entire Jaded archives on Graphic Smash despite my original intentions. The reason for that is extremely practical; I just don't have the time. It took me about 1 hour to learn the GS system, but it's still rather complex and to be able to represent the archives I would have to present multiple pages per update and to do that I would have to mess around with stuff I really don't want to mess around with at the present time. I'm just going to backdate the archives and plow on with things, since it seems the easiest way. Granted, given a bit of time I could probably figure it out, but lets just say I like sleep better.
Sorry about that guys, but I really don't have the energy to make my life more difficult than it has to be. The archive will be gone on March 16th. So now's the best time to go through that archive if you haven't already.
EDIT: Ok, I've figured out a way to circumvent this. From March 16th onwards, the Graphicsmashers are going to get 1 page of The Jaded per day until... um... June? So yes, I am representing all the pages again and you can read them as they show for free if you pop over to GS. Sorry for the confusion. My bad.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Mood: Halfway between anxiety and depression.Why should I be depressed, you ask? Well... The anxiety comes from my sisters's visit to London; and the intermittent plumbing problems (Leaks?! Again!? I swear, the plumbing in this house is CURSED! CURSED I tell you!) ; and the god-damn mini-project two which is giving me nightmares. A site builder for Keenspace/Comics... *grumble mutter mutter* I think I'll going to pull an all-nighter tonight... I hate the nightmares anyway and maybe I can get more work done instead of the tossing and turning. Besides I have a huge load of coursework to do, and not to mention the move to Graphic Smash next week and all the things to prepare for it. I'd feel so much better if I could do it all now and at least be able to stop worrying about it. The depression comes from all of these factors combined. And the fact that the script for Chapter 3: Black Earth still remains incomplete and is a mess anyway. Well, the first act is done and is pretty good, but after that it all goes to hell. Maybe I should make that part of the storyline. Anyway, just to get this all off my chest. It's interfering with my work, and maybe I'll work much better once I write out what all those voices in my head are wailing and moaning. Now back to work and boydoihateprobabilitydensityfunctions... ps: Happy belated Birthday to Saffy! Welcome to the realm of the 20 year olds, woman!
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
 Well, a slight revamp to the blog system... again! With the impending move to Graphic Smash, I thought of trying something that would allow me to mirror my blog (and my tagboard as well) on both sites. I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks. It's end of term, which == projects, and my two younger sisters are paying me a visit too. I get nervous just thinking about it. Remember, the archives will be gone on March 16th, so now a good time as any to have a reread. After which you can still access them, but only if you have a Paypal account and have a few bucks to spare, and suscribe. At least you'll get access to about 30 other comics as well ;) Also, thanks for the GS well-wishes from Count Your Sheep, Dim Bulb Comics and Alex and Ilia. Also to thanks the other I've no doubt missed and will kick myself at 3 am tonight for forgetting ;) .

Firstly, new vote pics! I tried my hand at doing the Major and Batou from the Ghost in the Shell:Standalone Conplex anime series... The Jaded style! Major's over at TWC, Batou hanging out at Buzz. Enjoy!
Also... FAN ART! Check out this very cool array of characters from various Keenspace comics, all done by Pin!
We have (from left to right), Raven from The Road From Nowhere, Keffria from Feyenne, Ilia from Pin's own comic, Lilith_123 from the magnificent Elf Only Inn, our own Jin and last but not least, Gandlypuff the Orange from Star Bored!
Also an interesting bit of news... The Jaded broke the 1000 visitors a day mark on the 3rd (We got 1041 visits on March 3rd. VISITS, NOT HITS!). That's 21386 hits! A good half of them come from non other than Sortelli from Elf Only Inn and a good number were from Digital War. Thanks guys! :D
I also got the highest page load I ever have had on The Keenspace Guide, with a stunning 0.636% which moves me almost to the top of the 2nd page of the Keenspace listing! Yeah, I realise it's probably a temporary surge caused by the sudden linking and archive raiding combined, but I can still be happy, right?
Also, I finished pencilling the last pages of Footfalls in the Dark today. It's going to feel odd when I finish colouring, knowing I've finished my second chapter. Now to get on with the script for the third... (Mos, I'm working on it! I swear!) - Ping

To repeat myself, read the announcement at the top of the page. It's important. Read it!
Also, do take a look at my latest featured link! This is one by Gloria H. Manderfield of Night and Day. If you like The Jaded, there's a very good chance you'll like this one, as it's action-oriented as well. And the art is gorgeous!
Also, I'm proud to mention that The Jaded got an All-Star Gold for March. I'm tied with Jackie's Fridge, which is a great honour as it's well... Jackie's Fridge!! Come on!
The Comics of the Month for KSA were the very deserving Count Your Sheep and the beautiful Fallen Angels Used Books. If you haven't read those two yet, now's a good time to start! - Ping
Monday, March 08, 2004

Well, I hope you've seen my announcement at the top of the page. It's important. Read it!
Also, I am happy to report that my council problems should be over by now. A call to the office cleared the matter up quite effectively. The council officer involved really doesn't know how to write letters, but at least he was, in all fairness, a lot more reasonable than your usual council person once he had a very uh... garrulous person on the other end pointing that out ;)
The Bastards!
Apologies for the strong language, but I'm very very very pissed.
Why? I've been given a 'notice of intended referral for prosecution' by my local Camden Street environment Council. For what, you ask?
Get this: FOR LEAVING GARBAGE AT A BLOODY DESIGNATED KERB-SIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION POINT, FOR GOD'S SAKE!. You see, the system in my area is this: The council doesn't provide dumpsters or garbage bins for the area, so all residents leave their garbage out at certain points on the kerb every morning and evening for the garbagemen to collect. It's the norm. Usually, there are no problems with this system that works.
So why am I being singled out of hundred of others for an offence that isn't one? Are council people just plain stupid or do they have some, more sinister purpose in mind...?
A little legal researching on the Environment Protection Act turns up this gem of a line:
88.—(1) Where on any occasion an authorised officer of a litter authority finds a person who he has reason to believe has on that occasion committed an offence under section 87 above in the area of that authority, he may give that person a notice offering him the opportunity of discharging any liability to conviction for that offence by payment of a fixed penalty. (£10)
Is that just me, or does that sound like: I'm sending you a notice to scare you, gimme money and I'll go away. Add the fact that two out of three of the students living in this house are international students (who presumably don't know the laws of England), and all of them female... they're bound to be scared and are pushovers, right? Easy money.
I say: f*ck them if this is the case.
And yes, you read that right. F*ck their greedy little hearts. I try very hard to be a decent person, but it's far easier for me to be a bitch when I want to. And someone in the council office is going to find that out Monday morning.
I haven't broken any laws, and damned me if I'm not going to make them pay through their nose if they want to bring me to court. It's their funeral. *evil* - Ping

Night Of Anguish
Nothing beats pulling all-nighters for serveral nights in a row. Except having food poisoning while pulling an all-nighter, that is. Now THAT is something that quite tests a person's commitment to coursework. I have never earned such a fierce love of my pillow and hatred for the porcelain bowl...
Well, at least it was a beautiful sunrise today.
In others news, guest art for Dim Bulb Comics! If my brain wasn't so dead right now, I'd say something witty about it. Zzzz... I'll get around to updating the gallery sometime but in the meantime they're set up as the vote pics for the TWC and Buzz. There are two of them. I'm lazy. What can I say?
And since when did Ping start drawing chibi?! Blame the Keenspace forums for that.
I will be going, now. Sleep beckons. - Ping
ps: To my surprise, I got a review for a short story I wrote for FictionPress.com quite some time ago. Maybe some of you might be interested.

Fan Art!!
Luprand sent over this spiffy new fanart of Jin! Whoa! That background is so ...hypnotic...
Now go read NeTrek!

Happy Valentine's Day?
New vote pictures for Buzzcomix and TWC. Both are of Jin in prospective apparels for the next chapter, Black Earth.
Speaking of those top lists, I came across this Comixpedia Article about these voting sites. I joined them when I was quite ignorant of webcomic politics, but it never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be about these things. Frankly, jealousy like what was shown to Aeire here makes me sad. And disgusted. Oh well, we cannot control the actions of others, but we certainly can our own.
In other news: Keenspace is still acting wonky; the site rolled back to last week's comic (Thanks for the head's-up, Steve!). I would conjecture something went wrong in the restoration efforts and Kisai and/or Kelly had to restore from backups.
There are still plenty of bugs hanging around as the aftermath of the Keenspace 2004 Crash. Storyline Dropdowns are not working, plus a few other annoying things. For the whole list, see here.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Yeah, I know... it's that day where the singles shoot singularly black looks at the ostentatiously mushy couples walking around holding hands... But hey, this is the first (well... second in a way) Valentines Day I'm one of the latter instead of the former... I'm just glad that my Valentine's wasn't overly commercialised. (No Teddy bears holding Hearts, thank God!).
Yeah, I know. I'm not a romantic. If I was, I wouldn't be doing an Action/Mystery Comic, would I? - Ping

Tough Times Ahead
Hopefully you'll have caught last Sunday's comic by now. If you haven't hit 'Back' to see it. Keenspace finally completed its transition to the new server, Butch. The DNS took a few days to propogate, which was why some of you could see the comic earlier than others.
Just so you know, I might miss an update or two in the weeks to come. Some of you might have recalled that I had some computer problems earlier; as a result of this and a few other factors, I'm sending it to be serviced. That means I might be without a computer for several weeks! Oh the Horror!
My buffer stands at the great total of 2. This is bad. If I do miss out on them, I apologise. It's a bad time, especially since it's getting to the most exciting parts of the story. I was hoping to hold out until 'Outtakes 2', but technology cares not for such things.
In happier news, new skin for the site! :D I hope you guys like it! Also check out my new featured link: Alex and Ilia. Don't be fooled by the first page. A sprite comic that ain't. - Ping

Enter Butch
Dear fellow Keenspacers: FTP for YDK is currently down. However, both YDK and Boardy keenspacers can now access FTP through the new server, BUTCH. This also means Boardy comics should be able to update now.
The URL you will need to FTP to is butch.keenspot.com . The username and password should be the same as usual. Do note that it is butch.keenSPOT.com, and NOT butch.keenspace.com
See the Keenspace Help Center Forums for futher info.

The Studio is up!
A quick look at this fan art Mr. Bob did for Digital War which cameos Jin(She's my avatar) and the entire Keenspace Forums. Disturbing? Yes. Gory? Yes. Genius? Definitely Yes.
It reminds me of those old fine art pictures where they depict an entire battlefield in detail.
Ponderance: Do you reckon that if I posted "DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME EVERYDAY!!!" on every page of the comic I'd get more votes for Buzzcomix and TWC? Probably. But then again... nah.

Huzzah! Keenspace is back to normal, BOARDY included. Phew.
New vote pics for Buzzcomix and TWC. The TWC one is of Jin, the Buzz one is an exceptionally nice doodle of Lysanne. Poor girl. She hasn't figured much in this chapter, has she? Don't forget it's the end-of-month rollover for Buzz, so feel free to click that button. Also, replaced the rather ugly TWC button with one of my own making.
Last minute Edit: Out of the blue, I got made moderator for Keenspace's Help Forum! What a surprise!

Firstly: An important announcement:
Snow makes me really happy!
In less important news: Keenspace went down a couple of days ago, I'm considering setting up a new mirror (One that requires less work to update).

Just a quick head's up: There's a new article in the Workshop.

Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy Chinese New Year! Firstly, there are new vote pictures for both Buzzcomix and TWC. They're both taken from the comic pages, but without the speech bubbles. I lot of the detail I put into the backgrounds tends to get covered by the speech bubbles. These two I particularly like, so it makes me feel better to know people will actually see them!
It's been a busy week for me; but one nice thing is that I finally got my hands on a copy of Sherlock Holmes; The Original Strand Edition.
I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes; I've read every single book and short story written by Doyle. (Yes, even the entire Flower of Utah part in A Study in Scarlet which most people skip). So getting my hands on a reproduction of the Sherlock Holmes as it was produced in the Strand magazine (complete with illustrations by Sidney Paget) is a big deal for me. The stories become so much more enjoyable when you know the places that are mentioned in the book, from Tottenham Court Road, Edgeware Road and especially Baker Street...
I've been to the real 221B Baker Street, which is the site of the Sherlock Holmes Museum. I've also seen the giant statue of Holmes which towers over the pedestrians near the London Planetarium and Madame Tussaud's. On any given day, you're bound to see a number of Holmes impersonators, complete with pipe and deerstalker hat, lounging around.
It might interesting to the readers of The Jaded to note that the characters of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson draw interesting parallels to Jacob 'Jade' Lanner and Isaac 'Ice' Freyton.
This wasn't intentional; I didn't even notice this until MosHunter pointed it out to me. But now she has, I am surprised at the similarities. Jade has the physique of John Watson, but mind-wise is closer to Sherlock Holmes. Ice, other than the curious parallel of being a doctor, is built more like Holmes, tall, sparse and thin. Hmm... I wonder how he'd look like in a deerstalker hat? ;)
Talk about food for thought.

Silly me! I forgot to introduce my latest Featured Link (My last one was Star Bored, BTW)
Well, if you look to the left of the post, you'll notice that I've changed my featured link to Zero Sleep Beauty. This one is a gem I found through my friend Lynn at Sand and Stone. Without exaggerating I can say that this is one of the few webcomics I've read that managed to impress me by the time I read page 2.
The creator, Becca Ming, does some really fantastic art, and has a gorgeous an art style that's quite unique. The setting is also an interesting one; it invokes the feel of those "Once upon a time" fairly tales that we all read when we were kids. The language matches the story, and it's not overdone like the lame attempts some comics have when they attempt to speak 'old-fashioned'.
Most of all, one characteristic works most in ZSB's favour: Becca is a very good storyteller. IMHO, the thing that distinguishes a mudane comic from a great one is the execution of the concept and idea. We're not reading comics to get to the end of a story, we're here to enjoy the journey.
All that said, head over to ZSB have a look for yourself. And don't blame me if you get hooked and end up waiting desperately for updates to come ;) -Ping

The site is undergoing some re-organisation. Nothing that you can see, but it makes it easier for me to update. You will notice, however, that the newsbox is gone and all my news and rants are tagged to the end of the comics. It makes my life easier that way.
Report any broken links to yours truly, and I'd be very grateful.
Juno is still guesting over at Crooked Halo, so do pop over and visit the poor boy. -Ping

Unexpected linkage from Elf Only Inn! Whooo!!!
My apologies to AdventureQuest for inadvertently exposing their use of form-letters. Sorry mate! I mistook it for spam.
Mercs In Hats!
It's been a while since I've changed the vote pics, but finally I've gotten around to doing a little something... I've put up two pages of doodles of the mercenaries in various hats. One page goes to Top Web Comics and One goes to Buzzcomix. Have fun snickering away! - Ping
Also, I made a prettier banner to replace the old (ugly) one:

Happy New Year!
Hopefully most of you who had hangovers will have recovered from them now. ;) Normally I'd go on and on about some meaning philosophical stuff about new year and clean slate and all that, but honestly, it's been said so many times I think I'll pass.
As you can see, Two new piece of fan art to kick start the new year off with. The first piece isn't really new, it's a guest strip Yarpsdat gave to me for my birthday. I was going to save it for Outtakes #2, but that being a good 3 months or so away, I figure that I might as well put it up now.
Second piece of art is from Gloria from Night and Day. I like her art. Watch this one, folks.
Also, The Jaded got a subtle cameo in Vapor Lock! The Jaded T-Shirts?! Hmm...
I'm going to be busy for the rest of this academic year, but I'll try to keep the updates coming, at least until the end of this chapter or if I burn out, whichever comes first. If I'm careless or slow in updating the other aspects of the site, well... eheh heh. Too bad? *runs and hides very quickly*
*Pokes head back out* Oh and before I forget, Happy New Year (Again). This time for Chinese New Year, in advance. ;)

Well, I hope that everyone's recovered from the feast of excess that was Christmas, and are ready to tackling the 'other one' known as New Year. Hope you had good looting, and did not get too many baskets of toiletries, scents and chunky wollen jumpers (For those who don't know- Jumpers are also sometimes known as sweaters. Ohhhh... Yes. That.)
Anyway, I had a nice and quiet Christmas with my sister. My friend Jasmine from Notts also came down for the weekend, so... Hooray! It's not fun being alone in a house during the holidays, Jen and Ying both having gone home to their respective families (Like most people do during Christmas).
Right now Oxford Street is caught in the middle of a shoppers frenzy. Jasmine and I may attempt to brave the crowds tomorrow. If we don't get stampeded, you should get your webcomic artist back. If not... erm... blame commercialism.
Anyway, I wish you all a very happy New Year, and enjoy the rest of the year! - Ping

13/12/2003 It's my birthday! Yaaay!
And we're back on normal schedule. Minor update to site.
- New vote Buzzcomix pic. This one is a little for substantial. It's a preview of the missing cover for Four Years Late.
- Revamped Memorial Room so people might actually read it.
Somehow I've gotten involved in another project: How Not To Run A Comic. Have a look at it if you're thinking about starting a webcomic of your own.
I had a pretty good birthday yesterday, and I'd just like to say- Thanks to everyone who made it great! I love you guys! - Ping

Ugh. Slow update weeks. No, I don't like it any more than you guys do, but I don't have a choice. I hate breaking my schedule :( I'm thinking of having bonus Friday updates for Christmas to make up for it, but it all depends on the state of my buffer when that rolls around.
New vote picture. It's about time I changed it. (Besides, it's the beginning of the month, and Buzzcomix resets then. Heh heh) I'm glad you guys liked the picture of Gnocchi the hamster. I wanted to do another Gnocchi pic, since I got such a favourable reaction, but I didn't have the time, so instead you get this doodle of Doc Ice slicin' and dicin' (I did it while reinstalling OS X on Io.
Speaking of Io (My computer's name, for those of you who don't know), Io is back to working condition, thanks to the combined efforts of Alan and my brother. Now upgraded and renamedIora (Ra is the sun-god), she works fine, and I'm getting about putting her in order. She might still have to pay a visit to the shop for maintenance some time in the near future, but I won't worry about that until I have to. Enjoy Wednesday's update when it comes, and have a nice week! - Ping

If you've noticed a decrease in activity on the tag-board, that's because a lot of the discussions have moved to the forum. I'm glad to report that my posts aren't the only ones there, which was the case with my previous non-keenspace (and abandoned) ezboard one. Feel free to join in the fun.
To make my day brighter despite the English weather, John from Fallen Angels Used Books did some Chibi Jaded fanart for me! If you haven't read Fallen Angels Used Books yet(highly unlikely) do go over to http://faub.keenspace.com and have a look! If the art doesn't seduce you, the story will.
I've been feeling a bit burned out lately- The only thing I've been feeling like drawing at all are hamsters. One after another. I'm taking a one-week break from working on the comic for a while, but there's no need to panic, for the buffer is in place and you should be getting your comics for at least two weeks yet. If I'm still burnt out by then, then start worrying and sending lamblasting emails.
Speaking of emails, I've accidentally deleted the contents of my inbox *sigh*, so I can't reply to some of you who emailed me. If I haven't replied, do resend the email (Please?). Thanks.
Also, new vote picture again, in case any of you feel like voting. -Ping

The site gets a minor update. Thanks to the kind folks at Talk About Comics, The Jaded finally gets its own forum. Yes, I finally got around to getting one after seing what a pain trying to have a discussion is on the tag-board with its 200 word limit. It's fine for short messages, but if you want to speculate if Juno is Jade's son or if Lanner place has crappy lamps, go to the forum. You'll have to register, but it's only once for the whole Talk About Comics forum.
Updated the Control Room and Gallery. Many thanks to Jops for that 'Metal-Slug'-ish fanart of Lysanne. Isn't it cool?
Also, new vote pic- This time of a fanart I did for Mixed Myth. It's another piece that I did that I'm quite proud of- I like the fur effect which turned out unexpectedly well. Also, good news! We're currently #121 on the Buzzcomix rankings! That's the highest I've ever been! To say that I'm staggered would be an understatement. Thank you all for voting, and do keep it up!
I'm busy as heck, with multiple courseworks due and JUnit still uninstalled on my PowerBook G4, as my dear other half keeps reminding me. I really shouldn't be updating the website, but the heck. One can only do so much PROLOG in a day. Thank god for the buffer. - Ping

Well, we've been doing all right on the Buzzcomix rankings so far. Currently we're around #141. Keep it up guys! I have a new vote picture- but's it's not a Jaded picture. It's a piece of gift art I did for Kisai, the Keenspace admin. I like this particular piece so much, so I thought I'd give it a little more exposure. It's also done using the new colouring style- I've finally understood the dynamics of it! Huzzah!
Other that that, the weather's been wild the last few days- wind and autumn leaves everywhere... and the occasional falling tree or two. I kinda like the untameness of it all. It makes me feel like running around just for the sheer joy of being alive. - Ping

*hack* *hack* *cough* *hack*
And, just as I thought I was clear- I finally fall victim to Fresher's Flu. Damn Freshies, spreading their germs around to us 2nd years.
New Buzzcomix vote image again, so go vote! This time a preview of page 19. I *love* that expression of horror on Juno's face. :). Also I have split the chapters into Acts in the stpryline dropdown for easier navigation.
Edit: Also check out the wonderful piece of Fanart Remains of Scythe did for me! *sniff* it's... so... beautiful... *sniff* -Ping

Forgot to mention The Jaded got in the Keenspace All-Stars-List again! Main site's still not updating, but there's the temp site. If you want to, you can help keep me in by voting in their forums. :D
Everyone is just too good to me! Lookee here are what Chuck (aka Chaos Cricket) sent me- My very first ever guest strip! I'm going to put this up when Outtakes #2 comes in ... erm... March? In the meantime, you can see it here. Isn't it hilarious? I shall call it- 'The Origin of Juno'. Updated the gallery yet again.
We're doing still hanging on in the Buzzcomix list so far- We're #159 as of this posting! Keep voting! I know we can break in the 150's again! And because the Doc Ice fanart put me in the mood for it- Our new bonus picture is a sneak preview of a panel from page 17! -Ping

Just when I wasn't expecting it, The amazing Mr. Bob from Star Bored did this wonderful piece of Doc Ice fanart for me! Isn't it absolutely wonderful?! Now go off and read his comic. Go on!
Updated the gallery to accomodate it and the Halloween picture. Also did some Fan Art for Count Your Sheep. At least all that practice drawing Gaile helped me a bit with the child porportions, but they are still so difficult.
We're around #158 on the Buzzcomix votes the last time I checked. Keep up the great work, guys! Also, If you have any requests for the bonus art, do let me know and I'll see what I can do. -Ping

Keenspace was down for yesterday and most of today. Many thanks to Kisai for getting Keen up and running again. Apologies to those who missed the Sunday update. If it happens again, check the backup site.
I really shouldn't mention this- but I made a major boo-boo and uploaded next Wednesday's instead of this Sunday's. Meep. :( Fixed now. For those who saw it before I rectified the error... SHHH!!
I'm happy to report we've broken into the 200's at Buzzcomix! As of this post, we're #192! -Ping

Happy Halloween!
Don't they look like they're enjoying themselves, Precious? *snicker* Let me see, Jade getting too much into character, The Doc with a sword (RUN!), Juno as a certain pretty boy blond elf *snert* and Rust as evil good guy, mystically wearing the same bracers as the Doc. Jin and Lysanne all pretty in dresses. I decided on Eowyn instead of Galadriel for the reason of there being too many elves already. Pointy ears are fun to draw, but not that fun.
Anyway, have a nice time partying or trick-a-treating tomight. If you're living in the UK, then have a nice time partying and getting drunk. -Ping
ps: Have added a new vote pic. It's a teeny preview of the new colouring style, taken from page 16. Thanks and hugs to all who voted and keep on voting! Right now we're around #184!
edit: The Buzzcomix rollover begins today so vote! It might be my chance of getting in the top 100, if only for a while! :D-Ping

Taking my cue from Adrian Ramos of Count Your Sheep, I've put up some bonus art to reward those who vote for me in the Buzzcomix top 100. Currently, I'm still trying to get into the 250's, so a little incentive wouldn't hurt. ;)
The bonus art showcases the new colouring style I will start using after page 14 or so. It's faster, and IMHO ,looks far nicer too.
Reorganised the Control Room. If any of you have linked me and are not in there, do let me know so I can return the favour.
Last but certainly not least, it's my friend Lynn from Sand and Stone's birthday today! Happy Birthday, Lynn!! Don't forget to got over to her site and wish her a happy birthday! -Ping
Wow! In the meagre space of three days, The Jaded managed to jump from #258 to #201 in the Buzzcomix award rankings! A very special thanks to those who voted. Wow! I was hoping just to break into the 250's, but my expectations were exceed and we stand posed to break into the 200's now.
As a token of thanks I've changed the bonus vote picture. Since it's Halloween soon, I've had the mercs dress up as various characters from Lord Of The Rings! (Yes you can stop laughing now). See if you can guess who goes as who. The previous one picture(The one of Jin) is still available as the sample art for Buzzcomix. In the future I'll be adding them to the gallery 'extras' section, but that's in the future...
Also, I noticed a sudden spike in my site stats a couple of days ago. Guess what? The Wandering Ones linked me! Whoo! Clint-sensei, if you are reading this, Thank You! I owe you more than fan art for this!
Going to the Nottingham games waas interesting, and it was great to see old friend again. The UCL Malaysian Society left earlier than planned, though due to transport problems. This was a unexpected decision to leave at 5.30pn instead of ‘before 9', and for a short time I became Nottingham's Most Wanted as various members of the UCLMS tried frantically to contact me only to find how notoriously difficult I am to contact ;) Emily, Li Ling and everyone else who tried... thanks and sorry for the bother!
Enjoy the new page, and let the plot begin! -Ping

A Penny for Your Thoughts...
Here's another strange thing that happened lately: Someone left a rather large pile of coppers (1 and 2p coins) on my doormat today. Who, why and when remains a mystery.
A tramp who forgot his earnings? Some drunk who thinks it's a funny joke? The copper gremlins of London mews? You guess is as good as mine. -Ping
Ah-hau, whatever makes you happy, on a Saturday night... (If you think that Suede is just a kind of leather, you won't get this, BTW)
Anyway, It's Saturday, and I'm off to see Finding Nemo at the Tottenham Court Road Odeon with my BF, Alan. Do you know, the Odeon website is one of the most irritating websites, ever? I swear, not only does it not work with any other browser other than IE (phooey) but this site is a perfect example of a good-looking but hell-to-navigate website. Bleh.
Added some links to some Blogs under the 'A Thousand Words Section'. :D
Also, if it's of any interest, I've added an option to view the older postings on Jade's Noticeboard. I'm still too cheapskate to get the paying one, so I have to archive the entries manually. Yes I know I'm crazy. Still, it's pretty cool, ain't it? Click on Previous Postings for the archive and Jade's Noticeboard to get the current board. - Ping

A rather alarming thing happened to me yesterday. While entertaining my friend from Nottingham who came down to London for the weekend, we both took a London Bus to West End to watch theatre (Hurray for last minute discount tickets). I was just pointing out the British Museum to her as we passed Great Russell Street when suddenly something brushed me from the back.
Now what was odd about that was: There should be nothing at my back, because I was standing with my back to the window. Even as I spun around, I could see the shattered safety glass of the window with a saucer sized hole where I had been standing in front of.
My exact words at this moment: "WHAT THE HELL?!?"
Turns out a van had gotten too close to the big double decker and the protruding rear view mirror smashed right through the glass, fortunately only brushing against the back of my jumper. Fortunately no one was hurt, although everyone had to get off because the glass shards made it dangerous for the bus to continue.
One whole year of taking the bus, this never happened to me before. And when it did happen, it happened right in front of my friend from Notts too.
Of course, when I think of it, the last time she came down to London, The Central Line Tube crashed at Chancery Lane. Hmm... -Ping

Being that blur person that I am, I forgot to mention that I did a guest color strip for Sand and Stone. You can head over to Lynn's here, and don't forget to tell her how much you love Train ;)
Uni's barely started, and already I feel hard-pressed to maintain a schedule. I'll try to keep them updates coming- with luck I won't have to cut down on the quality of the strips, or the quantity either (Both of which I really do not want to do, the current page looks dodgy enough as it is). If you want to cheer me up, critique my comic, for some funny reason it keeps me going.
Also, to all new readers, Hi and welcome! ;) - Ping

I can't believe it! The Jaded got nominated for the Keenspace All-Stars List! Actually, apparently I've been in the list since September, but had no idea I was in it! Talk about nice surprises! However their main site is having update problems, so I'm here for the meantime.
I'm very grateful to those who voted for me. I really didn't know about this at all. Wow.
Also, I forgot to mention this- to any of you with comics who have linked me, do let me know, will you? I'd be able to link you back then. Cheers! -Ping

Fixed a few problems with the new site design. There might be slight display problems still. If there are any, let me know.
Also, did some Fan Art (See Gallery) and added a yummy new link button.
New page comes out early. I'm sure none of you will complain ;) Now, how about giving those new vote buttons a test drive?

Whoa! Suddenly the site gets a makeover!
I got a bit tired of the Green and Black, so time for a change.
Frankly, the old 'greenstripes' theme felt a bit hypnotic, and drew attention away from the comic. This one is simple... but nice. - Ping